Friday 2 December 2011

It all begins here

Hello, and welcome to Charms and Graces

I’ve been thinking of writing a blog for a while, and I’ve finally put pen to paper (well, fingers to keyboard!) to start this adventure. A few reasons for this are:

·         To help my family and friends (who live all over the world) keep up-to-date with what I’m doing, places I’m visiting and things I’m falling in love with
·         I can use it as a way of documenting the many objects and hidden gems that take my breath away, put a smile on my face or make me melt inside
·         This will be my 8th UK winter (but they never get easier, trust me!), so I need a new project to help get me through the cold, dark, short days over the comings months
·         And I hope it will provide much inspiration and give an insight into an Aussie girl’s life abroad

Over the coming days, months and (possibly!?) years, dependent on how much self-discipline and stamina I can muster up, I aim to showcase a collection of these wondrous goods, creative style ideas and other bits and pieces I stumble across, as well as items and places I'm fortunate to experience as a result of living in one of the world’s top cities.

I look forward to sharing these with you.

Image source: Corner House


  1. Welcome to blogging Sally! I look forward to the journey. Letitia x

  2. Letitia - thank you so much for my first comment! I am madly in love with your blog, and think your beautiful sense of style and interior design is truly amazing. I have a lot to learn about the world of blogging, and am very new and naive! I hope you're enjoying the lead up to Christmas. Sally x

  3. Emma BeasleyDecember 16, 2011

    Sally - loving the website. My two little girls have fallen asleep and I managed to sneak a look at your blog over a cup of tea - gorgeous! Good luck with it. xox


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